To cel­e­brate 20 years since The Go! Team’s clas­sic album Thun­der, Light­ning, Strike, the band have asked a range of artists they love and admire to remix, rework and refash­ion tracks from the album, with a new one being released monthly.

Fol­low­ing on from the likes of Cor­ner­shop, Louie Zong, lilien rosar­i­an and CV Vision, next up is  Los Bitchos, who pro­vide a psy­che­del­ic gui­tar dri­ven take on Junior Kick­start.

Band leader Ian Par­ton says: “Got­ta love reworks that are so unmis­tak­ably that band. It’s like  Junior Kick­start has been reflect­ed from Los Bitchos’ mir­ror – you can pick up motifs from the song, but they are refract­ed through their dis­tinct cumbia, afrobeat, surf twang. It’s like you know it but can’t quite put your fin­ger on where from.”

The remix­es will con­tin­ue to be released through­out 2024, cul­mi­nat­ing in a run of shows in the UK and US and a new­ly announced home­town show at Brighton’s Corn Exchange on 9 Decem­ber. These shows will see the band play the album in full, front to back.

To mark the occa­sion, the album is also being reis­sued in Trans­par­ent Yel­low and Red Splat­ter Vinyl (Rough Trade [SOLD OUT] & Mono­rail Exclu­sive), Trans­par­ent Red Vinyl and CD. The Rough Trade and Mono­rail Exclu­sive pack­age includes a 7” LP fea­tur­ing new ver­sions of Hold Yr Ter­ror Close by The Pas­tels and The Orielles. All of the reis­sues are also pack­aged with a recre­ation of the orig­i­nal CD‑R demo ver­sion of the album that stands up as a doc­u­ment of Ian Parton’s unique method of work.
Pre-order avail­able HERE

Thun­der, Light­ning, Strike Anniver­sary Shows
26 Sep –Edin­burgh, Queens Hall,
27 Sep – Man­ches­ter, New Cen­tu­ry Hall,
28 Sep – Bris­tol, Mar­ble Fac­to­ry,
29 Sep – Dublin, But­ton Fac­to­ry, [SOLD OUT]

*Oct 28 – Chica­go, Lin­coln Hall,
*Oct 30 – Cam­bridge, Sin­clair,
*Nov 01 – New York, Irv­ing Plaza,
*Nov 02 – Philadel­phia, The Foundry,
*Nov 03 – Wash­ing­ton DC, Black Cat,
Dec 09 – Brighton, The Corn Exchange, UK
*With sup­port from La Sécu­rité
Tick­ets avail­able HERE

The Go! Team, pho­tographed at Kalei­do­scope fes­ti­val, 2024 ©oliviarosen/gourmetgigs

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