One for the Calderdale diary: Trys­tero are doing their first UK tour and pitch up at the Gold­en Lion in Tod­mor­den for a spe­cial night on Feb­ru­ary 6th. Sup­port act is Mar­lene Ribeiro, replac­ing Prangers who can no longer make it.

Alt duo Trys­tero com­pris­es Scottish/Luxembourgish pro­duc­er Thomas Lea Clarke (aka MR TC) and Low Bat, oth­er­wise known as one half of Jean-Luc. Their debut album, Sfu­mare e Vedere, was con­ceived over three days aboard Urban Boat, a 1960s barge trans­formed into an arts and per­for­mance space. Moored just out­side of Paris, the duo embarked on a joint res­i­den­cy, dis­cov­er­ing their com­ple­men­tary cre­ative ener­gies and a mutu­al pas­sion for all things strange and psychedelic.

Sfu­mare e Vedere is a moody and atmos­pher­ic album with a com­bi­na­tion of psych and motorik riffs that trans­port the lis­ten­er into a cos­mic head space. The expe­ri­ence is height­ened by Low Bat’s agile and impas­sioned spo­ken-word vocals, pri­mar­i­ly in Ital­ian, adding an inten­si­ty to the tracks. Tren­ti’an­ni sees the duo embrace their soft­er dreamy side while Rock dei Pel­i­cani’s slick riffs and motorik rhythms bounce around the head long after the track is over. Trys­tero promise to be an excit­ing act to see live.

“Mar­lene Ribeiro has joined Trys­tero on the bill. For­mer­ly a long stand­ing mem­ber of Man­ches­ter noise exper­i­men­tal­ists Gnod, artist and musi­cian Mar­lene Ribeiro works with­in a dream-like sphere of exot­ic psychedelia.

Stem­ming from her orig­i­nal solo project under the moniker of Negra Bran­ca, Ribeiro utilis­es an eclec­tic range of acoustic instru­ments, var­i­ous field record­ings, elec­tron­ics and voice, to cre­ate a phan­tas­magor­i­cal and intox­i­cat­ing blend of hyp­n­a­gog­ic-folk pop.”

The Gold­en Lion, Tod­mor­den. Tick­ets for Trys­tero and Mar­lene Ribeiro

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