Fat­boy Slim, Jamie T, Biffy Clyro and Cold­play to head­line Vic­to­ri­ous in 2024.

Set on the South­sea seafront, Portsmouth, Vic­to­ri­ous Fes­ti­val (23/24/25 August 2024) has today announced four head­lin­ers plus artists and come­di­ans for next sum­mer. Biffy Clyro head­lines on Sun­day at Vic­to­ri­ous. And last week, eagle-eyed fes­ti­val goers spot­ted the icon­ic Vic­to­ri­ous sign which had appeared on South­sea seafront with the words ‘Praise You’, a teas­ing nod to Friday’s head­lin­er Fat­boy Slim.

Snow Patrol are the sec­ond head­lin­er for Fri­day evening and Jamie T is top­ping Sat­ur­day evening’s bill. Join­ing the head­lin­ers are Wet Leg on Sun­day, fol­low­ing huge suc­cess since their debut sin­gle Chaise Longue was released in 2021, and dance-pop queen Becky Hill will play the Com­mon Stage.

Anoth­er act we’re look­ing for­ward to is Pix­ies, plus Leeds post-punk four-piece Yard Act and Idles. Oth­er artists include: Jess Glynne, One Direction’s Louis Tom­lin­son, Natasha Bed­ing­field and Arlo Parks (pic­tured below). The bril­liant Light­ning Seeds join Saturday’s line-up plus Max­i­mo Park also join the bill.

Fresh off the back of a recent UK num­ber one album, indie pop band Lot­tery Win­ners will be at Vic­to­ri­ous 2024 along­side The Ama­zons, The Lath­ums, Red Rum Club, Brooke Combe, Per­son­al Train­er, Sea Pow­er, Peace, The Mur­der Cap­i­tal, The Roys­ton Club, Do Noth­ing, Tors and Southsea’s own Road to Vic­to­ri­ous win­ners, Crys­tal Tides.

Held in the sea­side loca­tion of South­sea over­look­ing the Solent, Vic­to­ri­ous Fes­ti­val is the ulti­mate fam­i­ly-friend­ly fes­ti­val expe­ri­ence. Ear­ly bird tick­ets for Vic­to­ri­ous Fes­ti­val are on sale now with week­end camp­ing tick­ets from just £180 and day tick­ets from just £65 (fees apply)

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