Pale Blue Eyes are about to launch their sec­ond album, release date is set for 1st Sep­tem­ber. Called ‘This House”, on Full Time Hob­by, it alludes to the one you’ll spot on the album’s front cov­er, the child­hood home of the trio’s vocal­ist and gui­tarist, Matt Board. Defined by clo­sure and mov­ing on, This House is shak­en to its rafters as the band nav­i­gate the grief of recent parental loss. Along­side uplift­ing melodies, the album is rich in life-affirm­ing human con­nec­tions, where music-mak­ing becomes a means of recovery.

Says Matt: ““When Mum died, five years after Dad, there was this charge hang­ing in the air, con­nect­ing each per­son in the room. Time stopped. I felt like I momen­tar­i­ly entered an alter­na­tive dimen­sion between life and death. Days and weeks lat­er I’d see my fam­i­ly in every cor­ner of the house – all the reminders, ghosts and mem­o­ries. Then, grad­u­al­ly, it felt like time for a new start, mov­ing on from the house and my amaz­ing parents.”

And here’s a track from the new album, just released, called Takes Me Over. It’s full-on Pale Blue Eyes with an extra shot of psy­che­delia, which ramps up the mys­tic qual­i­ties. There’s that total­ly addic­tive PBE qual­i­ty to it – wist­ful vocals against full-on, rich orches­tra­tion and that motorik beat that gets to your core. 

Pale Blue Eyes announce new album This House on Full Time Hobby.

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