An announce­ment by indie-syn­thy five-piece band W H Lung is always some­thing to cel­e­brate and this lat­est mis­sive will bring their fans great joy. It’s bumper good news: a sin­gle, an album, a video and some live shows. 

The band unveil their third and lat­est album on 18th Octo­ber on Melod­ic, which is called, rather majes­ti­cal­ly, Every Inch of Earth Pul­sates. With that title, one can only hope they play Blue­dot fes­ti­val next year, which is coin­ci­den­tal­ly where I first clapped eyes and ears on this stun­ning band back in 2017.

Since then W H Lung’s star has only been in the ascen­dant: two album releas­es and plen­ty of live shows plus a shift in direc­tion to a more dance-ori­en­tat­ed feel. The live per­for­mances are unfor­get­table due in part to their front man, vocal­ist Joe Evans a tall, gan­g­ly and prowl­ing pres­ence who com­mands the stage.

The sin­gle, the first with pro­duc­er Ross Orton (MIA, Arc­tic Mon­keys, Work­ing Men’s Club) is called How to Walk. It is a first glimpse from Every Inch of Earth Pul­sates, and there’s a video, too.

How to Walk was cho­sen as the debut as it is a song con­struct­ed with one thing only in mind: that it would absolute­ly slay on stage. “I can’t wait to play this live,” says Evans. “We want­ed a song to rep­re­sent our live set, a new big one, and this is it.” Once again it leans towards the anthemic, with its dri­ving, propul­sive charge com­plete with incan­des­cent synths and vocal melodies so irre­sistible you can already hear them being sung in uni­son by a crowd. 

W. H. Lung Novem­ber 2024 UK Tour
16/11/24 – New Cen­tu­ry Hall, Man­ches­ter
17/11/24 – Mono, Glas­gow
19/11/24 – Cluny 2, New­cas­tle
20/11/24 – Strange Brew, Bris­tol
21/11/24 – Isling­ton Assem­bly Hall, Lon­don
22/11/24 – Voodoo Dad­dy’s, Nor­wich
23/11/24 – Bode­ga, Not­ting­ham
24/11/24 – Hare & Hounds, Birmingham

Links: W H Lung web­site | Face­book | Stream / Pre-order link

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