Favourite chil­dren’s fes­ti­val, Camp Besti­val has an excit­ing new devel­op­ment for 2024. The Explor­er’s Pass­port is a brand new mag­i­cal book­let designed and illus­trat­ed by fes­ti­val co-cura­tor Josie da Bank. The Explorer’s Pass­port will be free for every child to col­lect on arrival at the fes­ti­val and is packed with beau­ti­ful illus­tra­tions, maps and infor­ma­tion, with space for chil­dren to add their mem­o­ries, stamps, and stick­ers as they explore Camp Bestival.

Aside from a stel­lar line-up of musi­cal stars, which will be announced at the end of Jan­u­ary, what real­ly makes Camp Besti­val a tru­ly unfor­get­table fam­i­ly fes­ti­val is the mul­ti­tude of mag­i­cal expe­ri­ences in the spa­cious grounds of Lul­worth Cas­tle and West­on Park. With over 100 free activ­i­ties, The Explorer’s Pass­port has been designed to encour­age fam­i­lies to try as many as pos­si­ble with pre­cious col­lec­table stamps and stick­ers up for grabs in every cor­ner of both festivals.

Whether it’s piquing the kids’ curios­i­ty at a host of work­shops includ­ing bushcraft sur­vival skills and fash­ion for­ward fun in Tex­tile and Fash­ion World, guid­ed nature runs, sil­ly sci­ence chal­lenges or cre­ative colour­ing, the new Explorer’s Pass­port will act as a seal of approval for all the fun free activ­i­ties par­tic­i­pat­ed in over the weekend. 

The Explorer’s Pass­port will be man­aged on-site by a new team of Nav­i­ga­tors, locat­ed at the brand-new Nav­i­ga­tion Town, who will present each child with their pass­port upon arrival and inspire fam­i­lies to explore activ­i­ties, shows, talks and work­shops so that every child makes the most of their time there.

Josie da Bank, fes­ti­val cura­tors of Camp Besti­val said“It feels par­tic­u­lar­ly spe­cial to be intro­duc­ing The Explorer’s Pass­port for Camp Besti­val 2024. We want­ed to intro­duce some­thing cre­ative and fun that will enable fam­i­lies and chil­dren to explore the land­scapes of Lul­worth Cas­tle and West­on Park in true Camp Besti­val fash­ion and record their own adven­tures, as well as par­tic­i­pat­ing in as many free activ­i­ties as pos­si­ble – it is very much a ver­i­ta­ble dream tick­et for all things curios­i­ty.

News on The Explorer’s Pass­port fol­lows the recent­ly announced fes­ti­val first add-on tick­et option for 2024 – the Camp Kids Extra Pass. This is valid Fri­day to Sun­day and comes with its own wel­come pack with draw­string back­pack, water bot­tle and your all-impor­tant meal tokens that give your child six kid’s meals, three sweet treats, and unlim­it­ed fruit and fil­tered water for just £39.99.

There is no age lim­it for the Camp Kids Extra Pass, how­ev­er it is pri­mar­i­ly designed for younger chil­dren aged up to around 10 years. Sav­ing fes­ti­val­go­ers more than 35% of the cost of buy­ing meals and snacks sep­a­rate­ly, the Camp Kids Extra Pass offers a sand­wich, wrap or pas­ta dish with two snacks and a drink on Fri­day, Sat­ur­day and Sun­day lunchtimes, plus a sweet treat, and a din­ner­time child’s meal from select traders through­out the Camp Besti­val site. Between 9am and 6pm Fri­day to Sun­day, kids can also keep their ener­gy lev­els topped up with unlim­it­ed fruit and fil­tered water.

The Camp Kids Extra Pass for Camp Besti­val Dorset can be pur­chased here:

The Camp Kids Extra Pass for Camp Besti­val Shrop­shire can be pur­chased here:

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