Dark Christmas song by Alex Maas “XMAAS (Take Me Away)”

Alex Maas, of the Black Angels, released an album called Luca dur­ing the last days of 2020 – a work that utter­ly blew us away (it was on the Gourmet Gigs faves of the year list). We’ve been secret­ly wait­ing for a fol­low up to that haunt­ing­ly melan­cholic work, and just as 2023 reach­es its…

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Bill Ryder-Jones releases If Tomorrow Starts Without Me

A new track has just been released by Bill Ryder-Jones. Called ‘If Tomor­row Starts With­out Me’, it’s the sec­ond track tak­en from his forth­com­ing fifth album Iechyd Da, Jan­u­ary 12th. There will also be a run of solo in-store dates for Jan­u­ary. The sim­plis­tic yet mov­ing phrase of ‘If Tomor­row Starts With­out Me’ is something…

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Empire Falling: dramatic debut album from Magnetic Skies

With synth-rich anthemic tracks that radi­ate an emo­tion­al land­scape from eupho­ria to dark­ness, Mag­net­ic Skies feels very much like a band who have found their call­ing. And after releas­ing a series of sin­gles and EPs, the band’s debut album, Empire Falling, is out on Fri­day 3rd Novem­ber. Even the album title con­jures impend­ing tur­moil and…

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Richard Walters unveils ‘Long Way Down’ ahead of solo album ‘Murmurate’

It’s hard to keep up with Richard Wal­ters. The artist is known for work­ing solo and col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly and he’s also a pro­lif­ic song­writer. He is prob­a­bly best known for his works as one third of the group LYR with Poet Lau­re­ate Simon Armitage plus Patrick Pear­son. They released their sec­ond album The Ultra­vi­o­let Age in…

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Irish indie artist Sarah Buckley reveals new single Wind Chimes

A self-assured and dis­tinc­tive sin­gle and EP has just been released by Cork alt-folk singer-song­writer Sarah Buck­ley called Wind Chimes. The song comes hot on the heels pre­vi­ous sin­gle release, Always Trou­ble and both tracks are on her new EP. There’s more than meets the eye with Wind Chimes – the three-track EP as a whole…

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Snowapple unveil uniquely beautiful album called Wrong Feet

Snowap­ple Col­lec­tive are Lau­rien, Una and Lau­ra, a Dutch trio known for their unique genre-blend­ing sound. They are releas­ing a new album on 30th Sep­tem­ber on Zip Records, called Wrong Feet. Wrong Feet is a trib­ute to Sean Bergin: jazz with an African and Caribbean flavour, reimag­ined as catchy tunes with vocal har­monies. At the…

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Magnetic Skies reveal new single Fading Lights

There’s a new Mag­net­ic Skies sin­gle just released, called Fad­ing Lights, released 1st Sep­tem­ber. As we’ve come to expect from their pre­vi­ous out­put, the track is drip­ping with atmos­phere and dra­ma. There’s the moody, dri­ving Joy Divi­­sion-style bass thrum to open, which dri­ves the song through to its com­ple­tion. The emo­tive vocals rise over the…

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Beans on Toast ode to Todmorden: The Golden Lion

Beans on Toast has just released a track called The Gold­en Lion from his upcom­ing stu­dio album The Tooth­paste and The Tube, due for release on Decem­ber 1st. I’m sure you don’t want to start think­ing about Christ­mas dur­ing this late sum­mer heat­wave but this could be the per­fect present for some lucky soul on…

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New W H Lung track High Pressure Days, sublime video plus tour

Any W H Lung news is cause for cel­e­bra­tion here at Gourmet Gigs. And there’s plen­ty to get stuck into here with the band’s new track, video and some UK appear­ances too – although we might have to draw a line at a flight to the States for their upcom­ing US tour.  The new track is…

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Firestations UK tour after latest album release

Dream-pop band Firesta­tions released their fifth album called Thick Ter­rain on July 14th on Lost Map, on lim­it­ed-edi­­tion 12” vinyl and dig­i­tal plat­forms. The album is a “clear-eyed and bold state­ment, deft­ly com­bin­ing big ideas with pop sen­si­bil­i­ties in a cap­ti­vat­ing way”. And you can catch Firesta­tions live, start­ing 30th August (venues and dates below). Thick Ter­rain is…

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