North Car­oli­na band Hiss Gold­en Mes­sen­ger fol­low up their dreamy video for the title track of lat­est album Sanc­tu­ary with a new, Dylanesque video of Hard­ly­town.

M.C. Tay­lor and crew have cre­at­ed a video inspired by Dylan’s now icon­ic hand­writ­ten-sign video for Sub­ter­ranean Home­sick Blues, with gui­tarist and front­man M.C Tay­lor tak­ing charge of the signs. 

“The times that we’re liv­ing through have made me think, in so many dif­fer­ent ways large and small, about our oblig­a­tions to one anoth­er,” says Tay­lor. “How much to give away? How much to keep for our­selves? How much is too much, and how much is not enough? Maybe the con­ver­sa­tion that the moth­er and son have through­out Hard­ly­town was my attempt to reck­on with the ten­sion that exists between self­less­ness and selfishness.” 

He adds, “We all know some ver­sion of this con­ver­sa­tion. We’re cur­rent­ly in the mid­dle of it as a coun­try and as a species. I have two chil­dren, and I’m try­ing to teach them about what it means to be, and the ways we all stand to ben­e­fit from being, good neigh­bours. It’s sort of a sim­ple les­son in the­o­ry, but more com­pli­cat­ed in practice.”

Qui­et­ly Blow­ing It was writ­ten, arranged, and pro­duced by Tay­lor. Spe­cial guests and con­trib­u­tors on Qui­et­ly Blow­ing It include Grif­fin and Tay­lor Gold­smith of Dawes, Tony Award-win­ning artist Anaïs Mitchell, Zach Williams of The Lone Bel­low, Nashville gui­tar great Bud­dy Miller, and producer/musician Josh Kauf­man of Bon­ny Light Horseman. 

The new album has already sold out of its Dinked edi­tion vinyl – you’ve got to jump on the Dinked ver­sions or you miss out.

Pre-order Qui­et­ly Blow­ing It HERE now on CD, LP, and metal­lic blue Peak Vinyl, or at record shops

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