Mul­ti-genre span­ning fes­ti­val In It Togeth­er (26–28 May 2023) has announced its first wave of artists for its sec­ond edi­tion next sum­mer. The fam­i­ly friend­ly fes­ti­val is return­ing to Old Park Farm, Margam in May 2023. As well as wel­com­ing inter­na­tion­al acts, the fes­ti­val will also sup­port over 50 Welsh artists. 

Kelis and British DJ Tom Zanet­ti will be appear­ing on the Parc Stage; oth­er artists to fea­ture are Scot­tish rock band Twin Atlantic plus James Bay and Jake BuggGoldie Lookin Chain, and street dance troupe Diver­si­ty.

Tech house, dance and drum and bass at the Pan­cha­ia dance tent with Chase and Sta­tus tak­ing the top spot on Sun­day evening. Oth­er high­light acts include cre­ators of the icon­ic ‘Lola’s Theme’, The ShapeshiftersLove­ly Lau­ra and Ben San­ti­a­go and Bou

The Rewind are­na will host garage clas­sics from Luck & Neat, Art­ful Dodger and So Sol­id mixed with trance favourites N Trance and Ultra­beat. On Sun­day Rewind will show­case S Club, Louise Red­knapp and Big Brovaz & Booty Luv.

The Pad­dock stage returns to the fes­ti­val to host local bands and artists play­ing in both Eng­lish and Welsh. Curat­ed in con­junc­tion with BBC Hori­zons and the fab­u­lous indus­try fes­ti­val Focus Wales, it promis­es to show­case the best of the best in upcom­ing tal­ent. Rep­re­sent­ing North Wales and head­lin­ing the Sat­ur­day evening on The Pad­dock is alter­na­tive indie rock band Joy For­mi­da­ble whilst garage punk four-piece Goa Express will close the stage on Sun­day evening. 

There will be even more oppor­tu­ni­ties for home grown tal­ent in 2023 with the addi­tion of Steel­works, and new out­door stage focus­ing on the best in local under­ground bands and elec­tron­ic dance music.

For fes­ti­val goers look­ing for a bit of down time, The Retreat hosts yoga, med­i­ta­tion and mind­ful­ness to mas­sage, rei­ki and reflexology. 

Mark Hop­kins, Head of Fes­ti­vals said: ‘‘We built the excite­ment with our inau­gur­al fes­ti­val in 2022 and we’re thrilled to be back for 2023 with even more stages, activ­i­ties and an incred­i­ble line up to match.

Tick­ets for In It Togeth­er – cus­tomers who have pre-reg­is­tered will be able to pur­chase from 9am, Fri­day 7 Octo­ber 2022 – only 1000 sec­ond release tick­ets will be avail­able. Tick­et prices start from £139 for a week­end camp­ing tick­et or £299 for fam­i­ly tick­ets (2 adults, 2 chil­dren and up to 4 grandparents). 

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