Joe God­dard just released his new album Har­mon­ics Remixed on 22nd August. It fea­tures new track Weave plus remix­es from the likes of Black Sci­ence Orches­tra, Cos­mod­el­i­ca, East Coast Love Affair and Hilit Kolet. The twelve-inch release is set for Octo­ber 25th

Apart from an upcom­ing UK tour, he is also play­ing London’s All Points East fes­ti­val tomor­row – lim­it­ed tick­ets are still available.

Ear­li­er this sum­mer, God­dard release his third solo album Har­mon­ics on Domi­no Records. Across 14 tracks of left-of-cen­tre dance music – touch­ing on UK garage, house, hip-hop, pop, and dis­co – God­dard opened the floor for a num­ber of col­lab­o­ra­tors includ­ing Ibibio Sound Machine’s Eno Williams, UK rap­per Oran­je, for­mer Wild Beasts front­man Hay­den Thor­pe, Joe’s Hot Chip band­mates Alex­is Tay­lor and Al Doyle, Jungle’s Tom McFar­land, Bronx-raised singer Fio­r­i­ous, Guinean vocal­ist Falle Nioke, and UK jazz musi­cian Alabaster DePlume.
Today, Joe God­dard releas­es Har­mon­ics Remixed, a remix album of Har­mon­ics that also fea­tures Weave – twin­kling elec­tron­i­ca that builds to a soar­ing, bliss­ful crescen­do.
See Joe God­dard tomor­row at All Points East in east Lon­don’s Vic­to­ria Park.

23rd August – All Points East, Lon­don w/ LCD Soundsys­tem
24th August – Lost Vil­lage, Lin­coln
29th August – Cala Mijas, Madrid
30th August – The Set The­atre, Kilken­ny
31st August – The Workman’s Club, Dublin
7th Sept – Damp Dis­co, Folke­stone (DJ)
20th Sept – This is Tmrw @ Hare & Hounds, Birm­ing­ham (DJ)
21st Sept – Dream­land, Mar­gate (DJ)
8th Novem­ber – King Tut’s, Glas­gow
9th Novem­ber – The White Hotel, Man­ches­ter
12th Novem­ber – Pat­terns, Brighton
13th Novem­ber – Colour Fac­to­ry, Lon­don
16th Novem­ber – Bit­ter­zoet, Ams­ter­dam
17th Novem­ber – Bellevil­loise, Paris
18th Novem­ber – Botanique – Rotonde, Brus­sels
20th Novem­ber – Kupell­halle at Silent Green, Berlin

Pho­to cred­it: Louise Mason

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