Daylight music: coffee, cakes and one hot chip

Gigs dur­ing the day­time are such a great idea. Instead of the usu­al beers and warm white wine, at an event run by Day­light Music you can enjoy a cup of tea, deli­cious home made cakes, plus quiche and sausage rolls – there’s also a selec­tion of chil­dren’s drinks too. Then spend a cou­ple of…

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Joe Goddard releases Harmonics Remixed album plus announces tour

Joe God­dard just released his new album Har­mon­ics Remixed on 22nd August. It fea­tures new track Weave plus remix­es from the likes of Black Sci­ence Orches­tra, Cos­mod­el­i­ca, East Coast Love Affair and Hilit Kolet. The twelve-inch release is set for Octo­ber 25th Apart from an upcom­ing UK tour, he is also play­ing London’s All Points East…

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Joe Goddard shares a track from his upcoming album “Harmonics”

There’s a new album called Har­mon­ics on its way by Hot Chip front­man Joe God­dard. It’s still a while till the release date of July 12th but there’s a tasty morsel just dropped in the form of a track and video to pique our inter­est – pre­vi­ous­ly shared is the track New World with Fiorious.…

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Hot Chip: Fire of Mercy new single feat Yune Pinku

Hot Chip have sure­ly reached nation­al trea­sure sta­tus. The band’s work always has a embrac­ing, uplift­ing qual­i­ty to it, and live they’re exhil­a­rat­ing. As sum­mer gets an uplift weath­­er-wise, it seems like a good time to release this euphor­ic new track fea­tur­ing Malaysian-Irish pro­duc­er and song­writer Yunè Pinku. The new sin­gle is called Fire of Mer­cy. Alexis…

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Review: Bluedot 2019: a space celebration

If the sci­en­tists at Jodrell Bank could put their col­lec­tive heads togeth­er, it would be per­fect if they could find a way of tele­port­ing us back to the fields of Blue­dot in order to do the fes­ti­val all over again. That way it might be pos­si­ble to expe­ri­ence the stuff you’d missed first time round.…

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