Hot Chip have sure­ly reached nation­al trea­sure sta­tus. The band’s work always has a embrac­ing, uplift­ing qual­i­ty to it, and live they’re exhil­a­rat­ing. As sum­mer gets an uplift weath­er-wise, it seems like a good time to release this euphor­ic new track fea­tur­ing Malaysian-Irish pro­duc­er and song­writer Yunè Pinku.

The new sin­gle is called Fire of Mer­cy. Alex­is Tay­lor and Joe God­dard share vocals as they deliv­er an emo­tion­al gut punch: “Do you ever stop believ­ing / In the things that make you feel like you… Remem­ber life can take a turn in a moment and / Leave you with­out your own breath to breathe / I need that fire of mer­cy, res­cue me.”

Says Joe God­dard about the new work: “Fire of Mer­cy’ relates to the cen­tral con­cept of William Blake’s ‘Songs of Expe­ri­ence’ – it bemoans the cor­rup­tion that inevitably comes from adult­hood and longs for a return to the puri­ty of child­hood.” Yunè Pinku adds: “Mas­sive hon­our to work with Hot Chip as they’re huge leg­ends with­in the elec­tron­ic world. When they played me Fire of Mer­cy and asked me to jump on the track, I was thrilled to work with them.

There are also some upcom­ing live dates, which include head­lin­ing London’s Drumsheds, the brand new 15,000 capac­i­ty venue from the team behind Print­works.
Tues­day 8th August – Lok­erse Fes­ti­val, Bel­gium
Fri­day 11th August – Brunch Elec­tron­ik, Barcelona
Sat­ur­day 26th August – Live at Scor­ri­er House, Corn­wall
Thurs­day 28th Sep­tem­ber – The Hol­ly­wood Pal­la­di­um, Los Ange­les
Sat­ur­day 30th Sep­tem­ber – Por­to­la Fes­ti­val, San Fran­cis­co
Sat­ur­day 21st Octo­ber – Bugged Out @ Drumsheds, Lon­don
Fri­day 17th Novem­ber – Coro­na Cap­i­tal, Mexico

Web­site | Face­book | Twit­ter | Instagram

Pho­to cred­it: Clé­men­tine Schneidermann

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