Mag­net­ic Skies came to our atten­tion with enig­mat­ic sin­gle You Shine On in Feb­ru­ary; now the band have unveiled a new sin­gle called Suf­fo­cate on ReprinT Records.

Rem­i­nis­cent of Depeche Mode, Suf­fo­cate is “an intense and pow­er­ful glimpse into a world of despair as a rela­tion­ship comes crash­ing down at an unre­lent­ing pace.” 

This beau­ti­ful­ly-craft­ed num­ber imme­di­ate­ly plunges you into its rich and expan­sive synth­scape, propul­sive and atmos­pher­ic. And it does­n’t let up for all its 3.47 min­utes, main­tain­ing the dra­ma, replete with mul­ti-lay­ered instru­men­ta­tion that finds its way into your core. Suf­fo­cate is a pow­er­ful track, loaded with ten­sion but exhil­a­rat­ing too. 

Say the band about the video: “We want­ed a dark, agi­tat­ed, claus­tro­pho­bic video – devoid of colour – to com­ple­ment the emo­tions in the song.

Formed in 2019 with a shared love of 80s synth-dri­ven post-punk by Simon Kent (vocals & key­boards) and Jo Womar (key­boards), Mag­net­ic Skies spent most of that first year locked away in stu­dios, exper­i­ment­ing with mate­r­i­al that would evolve into songs released over a set of EPs dur­ing 2020. “Dreams And Mem­o­ries”, “Hold On” and “Into Par­adise” all set the tone and show­cased the duo’s skill and love of puls­ing, vin­tage ana­logue synths and pump­ing bass. 2021 saw the band evolve into a 4‑piece, with the recruit­ment of gui­tarist Car­los Aguilar and drum­mer Lenin Ale­gria. Both are fea­tured on the new record­ings, adding a new son­ic dimen­sion to the songs. 

Suf­fo­cate by Mag­net­ic Skies, ReprinT Records. Out June 2nd
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