Ex-Blae­navon drum­mer Har­ris McMil­lan, now going under the name Organ Mor­gan, is set to release his debut EP on 20th July. He’s just released a sin­gle from the upcom­ing work called The Argu­ment – out now on Every­body’s Records – to give us a taste for what’s to come.

The Argu­ment draws you in slow­ly with a stat­uesque piano intro lead­ing into Har­ris’s intro­spec­tive and melan­choly vocals as he “retells and reimag­ines the sto­ries sur­round­ing a coastal meet­ing point”. The track devel­ops and gath­ers pace as the drums bring a sense of urgency. There’s some­thing rem­i­nis­cent of Fleet Fox­es about this work, the del­i­ca­cy and clar­i­ty of the har­monies and full rich­ness of the instrumentation. 

Organ Mor­gan’s debut EP ‘Fig­ure­head’ was record­ed and pro­duced (over the course of 2 weeks in 2022) at Black Bay Stu­dios, an ex-crab pro­cess­ing fac­to­ry on the Hebridean Island of Great Bern­era, Scot­land. Release date is 20th July.

The Argu­ment is out on 8th June on Every­body’s Records. 

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