The indie pop band Pale Blue Eyes have seen their star rise astro­nom­i­cal­ly over the past year – right­ly so – and Hang Out, the new sin­gle from their upcom­ing sec­ond album (Sep­tem­ber, folks) called ‘This House’ is yet again proof that they are on the right track. Hang Out – the sec­ond share from album This House – is due for release on 1st Sep­tem­ber 2023 on Full Time Hob­by.

Hang Out aims to cap­ture the sim­plis­tic won­der of being amongst friends. It’s about “the impor­tance of attempt­ing to just switch off and enjoy sim­ple moments – the sun on your face, hang­ing out with friends in the pub or in a field”, say the band. “In the good times and the bad there’s always the sim­ple plea­sure of just hang­ing out with mates.”

The track comes with an accom­pa­ny­ing lyric video cre­at­ed by long-term band col­lab­o­ra­tor Dylan Friese-Green.

There’s a smoky, swirly, psy­che­del­ic qual­i­ty to the open­ing bars as if the band mem­bers are search­ing back through their minds, invok­ing a sense of wist­ful­ness as they con­jure up plea­sur­able mem­o­ries. The mes­sage con­veyed is one of pos­i­tiv­i­ty and joy: adver­si­ty may have reared its head but its those sweet times with good friends who nour­ish the soul that are being cel­e­brat­ed here. 

This House is titled after the build­ing on the front cov­er – the rur­al Devon home where singer/guitarist Matt Broad grew up and where the band had built a well-equipped DIY record­ing stu­dio. As the album was being fin­ished, Matt’s moth­er died, fol­low­ing a heart-break­ing degen­er­a­tive ill­ness. Fel­low band mem­bers Matt and Lucy had been liv­ing at the house, help­ing to look after his mum.

“When Mum died, five years after Dad, there was this charge hang­ing in the air, con­nect­ing each per­son in the room,” says Matt. “Time stopped. I felt like I momen­tar­i­ly entered an alter­na­tive dimen­sion between life and death. Days and weeks lat­er I’d see my fam­i­ly in every cor­ner of the house – all the reminders, ghosts and mem­o­ries. Then, grad­u­al­ly, it felt like time for a new start, mov­ing on from the house and my amaz­ing parents.”

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