The cur­rent prob­lems fac­ing our live music venues is a press­ing prob­lem and it’s up to us to all try and help them in what­ev­er ways we can till they can safe­ly reopen. A recent sur­vey by MVT indi­cat­ed that more than 60% of the British pub­lic would not yet feel safe return­ing to live music. Although just under 90% were keen to return to gigs, many were con­cerned about their safety. 
In part­ner­ship with the Music Venue TrustMar­shall Ampli­fi­ca­tion have launched a spe­cial t‑shirt as part of their sup­port of the #saveour­v­enues cam­paign. All pro­ceeds from the t‑shirt will help fund grass­roots music venues through the con­tin­ued eco­nom­ic threats and chal­lenges they face.
Tak­en from UK rock­ers Bad Touch’s lat­est sin­gle, a rock and roll cov­er of Kiki Dee’s 1974 hit ‘I’ve Got The Music In Me’, the Tt-shirt and Mar­shall encour­age every­one in the music indus­try and their fans to sup­port their local venues. 
The sin­gle is tak­en from Bad Touch’s new album ‘Kiss the Sky’ out now. Com­ment­ing on the part­ner­ship,  Mark Davyd said “Music Venue Trust is delight­ed that a busi­ness so renowned for their con­nec­tion to live music has stepped for­ward to help raise mon­ey for grass­roots music venues. It may still be some time before you can vis­it a venue but you can help #saveour­v­enues by buy­ing and wear­ing Mar­shal­l’s cam­paign T‑shirt.

The “I’ve Got the Music In Me” #saveour­v­enues t‑shirt can be pur­chased here:

Info on how you can help to save our venues is here

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