The sun bathed the open­ing con­cert of the South Fac­ing fes­ti­val series in a gold­en glow. The crowd stepped up to the occa­sion bedecked in their fin­ery, ready to par­ty in the park to a run of DJs, with Grace Jones clos­ing the evening with her visu­al­ly and aural­ly stun­ning show. Much missed was Roisin Mur­phy, who can­celled at the last minute due to ill health, leav­ing Horse­meat Dis­co to extend their time on stage. Wish­ing Roisin a speedy recovery.

As a first-timer to the venue, I was impressed with the pic­turesque loca­tion of Crys­tal Palace Bowl, with the slope to the stage giv­ing every­one good views, even from the back. 

South Fac­ing Fes­ti­val Love Motion 

Final pho­to of Grace Jones from port­fo­lio ©gourmet­gigs

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