Photo gallery: Love Motion at South Facing Festival

The sun bathed the open­ing con­cert of the South Fac­ing fes­ti­val series in a gold­en glow. The crowd stepped up to the occa­sion bedecked in their fin­ery, ready to par­ty in the park to a run of DJs, with Grace Jones clos­ing the evening with her visu­al­ly and aural­ly stun­ning show. Much missed was Roisin…

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Le Junk new single “Midnight Lover” out now

Some­thing for the dance floor: a radi­ant new sin­gle called Mid­night Lover by the Lon­­don-based mul­ti-instru­­men­­tal­ist Le Junk. With spo­ken word vocals, this slinky num­ber, which came out on 12th August, pow­ers along with a dri­ving bass and a cho­rus you’ll want to sing along to. His lyrics are “strewn with sto­ries of sleazy misdemeanours…

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