Some good news for the south west fes­ti­val scene. Sea Change fes­ti­val is back this sum­mer with a one-day event named Sea Change Presents. And the team are glad to announce that next year sees the full three-day event from 27–29 May 2022.

This year’s Sea Change will see live music, film and con­ver­sa­tions hap­pen­ing at atmos­pher­ic spots across Totnes, includ­ing St Mary’s Church, the Totnes Cin­e­ma and The Bar­rel House Ball­room. Sea Change has con­sis­tent­ly sought out unique and beau­ti­ful­ly dif­fer­ent venues in the cre­ative town and a new part­ner­ship with The Bull Inn, run by Geetie Singh-Wat­son MBE, will host inti­mate events and bring beau­ti­ful fes­ti­val food to Totnes.

Con­firmed so far are dream-pop duo White Flow­ers; the BBC 6Music A‑listed JOHNThe Orielles pre­sent­ing a screen­ing (and Q&A/DJ set) of their La Vita Olis­ti­ca film; vio­lin­ist and com­pos­er Anna Phoebe; South-East based four-piece Breathe Pan­el, singer-song­writer Anna B Sav­age; impro­vi­sa­tion­al duo DJxK­WF; and MIRRY: From The Shad­ows Into The Light, an instal­la­tion and live expe­ri­ence (with musi­cians Tom Fras­er and Simon Tong) that dives into the mag­i­cal music and archives of Mirabel “Mir­ry” Lomer.

White Rab­bit Books will be join­ing the week­end too with con­ver­sa­tions includ­ing Jeff Bar­rett and Robin Turn­er with author Roy Wilkin­son about ‘Believe In Mag­ic’ (chart­ing the first thir­ty years of Heav­en­ly Record­ings) and Gor­don Burn Prize win­ning author David Keenan, who will be talk­ing about his mas­ter­ly fifth nov­el, Mon­u­ment Mak­er.

Last year dur­ing the midst of lock­down, Sea Change host­ed an ear­ly online fes­ti­val, pro­gram­ming a fas­ci­nat­ing mix of mem­o­rable artists and help­ing cre­ate a dis­tinc­tive blue­print for the dig­i­tal fes­ti­val environment. 

For tick­ets Sea Change Presents 2021
Sea Change Presents

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