Mark Harrison presents new album The Road to Liberty

The Mark Har­ri­son Band have just launched their sixth album called The Road to Lib­er­ty. I met Mark at Eal­ing Blues Fes­ti­val a few years ago where I talked to him after his set. He was charm­ing and patient­ly chat­ted to a few of us for quite some time, dis­cussing the beau­ti­ful Nation­al Res­onator guitar…

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Jimmy C and the Blues Dragons: almost a festival

JUNE 2021: VERY SHOCKED AND SADDENED TO HEAR OF THE DEATH OF JIMMY C. He will be missed by his friends, fam­i­ly and every­one who has seen this won­der­ful band per­form over the years. Being able to hear live music again lifts the spir­its and gives us hope for the future. Jim­my C & the Blues…

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Robin Trower album and tour

Good to hear there’s no stop­ping for Robin Trow­er, who just released a new stu­dio album enti­tled Where You Are Going To, by Man­haton Records.  Trow­er was a mem­ber of Pro­col Harum in the 60s, and became known for his ‘soft psy­che­delia’. The leg­endary  blues rock gui­tarist and singer-song­writer is also going to be head­ing out on…

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Review: Ealing Blues Festival 2015

  With a rare glimpse of sun in a gloomy July, we head­ed to Eal­ing Blues Fes­ti­val held in Wal­pole Park, it’s one of a series of sum­mer fes­ti­vals run every year put on by Eal­ing Coun­cil. The event always resem­bles a ‘prop­er’ fes­ti­val in minia­ture, with a choice of two big music tents – the Main Stage,…

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