Best festival guide for 2024

Sum­mer is breath­ing its last, and we’re near­ly at the end of out­door fes­ti­val sea­son. We’re com­pil­ing our autumn and win­ter fes­ti­val guide to pro­vide inspi­ra­tion and joy dur­ing the cold­er months.  Mucky Week­ender 5–7 Sep­tem­ber Tak­ing place at ‘Vic­arage Farm’, Win­ches­ter, Mucky Week­ender’s fifth edi­tion fea­tures five music stages with dub, ska, reg­gae, jungle,…

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Camp Bestival Dorset and Shropshire day splits and tickets

Camp Besti­val Dorset at Lul­worth Cas­tle (25 – 28 July 2024) has announced day-by-day line­ups, as well as day tick­ets for the four-day week­ender.  A hand­ful of lim­it­ed ear­ly bird day tick­ets will go on sale at 10am on Thurs­day 21 March, with adult tick­ets prices from £80 and chil­dren tick­et prices from £18 for…

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Festivals through summer and beyond

Fes­ti­val sea­son has moved into high gear. Sev­er­al have sold out (Green Man, Kendal Call­ing and Beau­ti­ful Days to name just three – and Ral­ly is close to sell­ing out) but there’s still over­all plen­ty of choice. Our list includes sev­er­al met­ro­pol­i­tan (non camp­ing) shindigs too, right into Sep­tem­ber. If you’re des­per­ate to attend a…

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Camp Bestival announces Dorset and Shropshire lineups

Some­thing for fam­i­lies to look for­ward to! Both Camp Besti­val line­ups have just been revealed, with tick­ets on sale from Thurs­day 17th Novem­ber. Head­lin­ing Camp Besti­val Dorset is Grace Jones, The Kooks and Craig David Presents TS5. Mean­while, Camp Besti­val Shropshire’s head­line acts include Pri­mal Scream, Rudi­men­tal and Human League. Also announced today for both sites are Sophie Ellis-Bex­­tor and Melanie C as well as Con­fi­dence Man plus Sam Ryder.…

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Camp Bestival doubles up: Dorset and now Shropshire too

Why put on one fes­ti­val when you can organ­ise two? Camp Besti­val has giv­en birth this year to a sec­ond shindig, with the usu­al Dorset loca­tion being joined by Camp Besti­val Shrop­shire lat­er in the sum­mer. Fam­i­ly friend­ly event Camp Besti­val will be return­ing for 2022 to its home in Dorset at Lul­worth Cove. From…

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