Why put on one fes­ti­val when you can organ­ise two? Camp Besti­val has giv­en birth this year to a sec­ond shindig, with the usu­al Dorset loca­tion being joined by Camp Besti­val Shrop­shire lat­er in the summer.

Fam­i­ly friend­ly event Camp Besti­val will be return­ing for 2022 to its home in Dorset at Lul­worth Cove. From 28th to 31 July, Camp Besti­val Dorset presents: Rudi­men­tal, Rag’n’Bone Man, Shed Sev­en, The Pro­claimers, Jo Whiley’s 90s Anthems, Exam­ple, Horse Meat Dis­co, Orla Gart­land, Snapped Ankles, Mr Moti­va­tor and more. 

There’s a trio of dis­co leg­ends: Sis­ters Sledge, the Earth Wind & Fire Expe­ri­ence ft Al McK­ay and Kool & The Gang. Also on the line­up: lock­down’s kitchen dis­co queen Sophie Ellis Bex­tor. Mean­while Ed Byrne heads up the com­e­dy lineup.

Being a fam­i­ly fes­ti­val, chil­dren get lots of their own enter­tain­ment and Dick & Dom, Cos­mic Kids Yoga, Hor­ri­ble His­to­ries and Braini­ac Live: Remixed plus The Very Hun­gry Cater­pil­lar Show as will keep the fam­i­ly happy.

Tick­ets go on gen­er­al sale 10am, Fri­day 28 Jan­u­ary 2022. Adult week­end camp­ing tick­ets start from £190 (+ book­ing fee) and child week­end tick­ets from £75 (+ book­ing fee). For tick­ets and infor­ma­tion, vis­it Camp Besti­val Dorset

Camp Bestival at night

New Shropshire event 

And Besti­val goes one bet­ter this year: enter Besti­val Shrop­shire, tak­ing place 18–21 August. The new sis­ter event at West­on Park, sees Fat­boy Slim, Rag’n’Bone Man and Becky Hill head­ing up the line­up. Also 808 State, Shed Sev­en and Scout­ing For Girls. Heather Small with M Peo­ple, plus The Proclaimers.

The kids events will be sim­i­lar to Dorset, with Braini­acs, Ter­ri­ble Tudors, Cos­mic Kids Yoga and more.

Fam­i­lies can get lost in four days’ worth of the­atre, well­be­ing work­shops, cir­cus spec­ta­cles, com­e­dy, and healthy pur­suits includ­ing Water & Stone Wild Spas, Ice Baths, Wild Swim­ming, Pad­dle­board­ing, Breath­work & Yoga, a Sleep Retreat and more besides. 

Else­where on the line-up, fam­i­lies can expect EMF, Lola Young, Dub Pis­tols, Sasha, Mae Muller, Mr Moti­va­tor, Ned’s Atom­ic Dustin, Dread­zone, Snapped Ankles, Luke Una and Beans on Toast. Camp Besti­val Shropshire’s line-up also fea­tures the Emma Lin­ney Band, Jonathan Day Col­lec­tive and folk band The End­ings as well as Shropshire’s Chris Hawkins

Camp Besti­val Shrop­shire takes place at West­on Park, 18–21 August 2022. Tick­ets are on sale from 10am Fri­day 28th January. 

For details vis­it shropshire.campbestival.net.

Pho­to­graph: © Leo­ra Bermeis­ter Fare­light Productions

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