Camp Bestival doubles up: Dorset and now Shropshire too

Why put on one fes­ti­val when you can organ­ise two? Camp Besti­val has giv­en birth this year to a sec­ond shindig, with the usu­al Dorset loca­tion being joined by Camp Besti­val Shrop­shire lat­er in the sum­mer. Fam­i­ly friend­ly event Camp Besti­val will be return­ing for 2022 to its home in Dorset at Lul­worth Cove. From…

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Sea Change festival adds Dartington Hall as a venue

Sea Change fes­ti­val in Totnes has estab­lished quite a name for itself in its two years of its exis­tence. Start­ed by Drift Record shop, its knowl­edge­able own­ers have enticed a raft of stel­lar names both emerg­ing and estab­lished, to play at a host of quirky venues around the town. There’s the restored Totnes Cin­e­ma, two…

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Green and pleasant: festivals for 2014

Dust down the sleep­ing bags and camp­ing stove, the start of fes­ti­val sea­son is only a cou­ple of months away. These days, music fes­ti­vals are work­ing hard­er to attract a fol­low­ing, offer­ing debat­ing ses­sions and work­shops, ban­quets and bal­loon­ing, hop­ing to carve out a unique and iden­ti­fi­able image from a sea of for­mu­la­ic events. Here…

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