Sea Change fes­ti­val in Totnes has estab­lished quite a name for itself in its two years of its exis­tence. Start­ed by Drift Record shop, its knowl­edge­able own­ers have enticed a raft of stel­lar names both emerg­ing and estab­lished, to play at a host of quirky venues around the town. There’s the restored Totnes Cin­e­ma, two micro-brew­eries and a ball­room, amongst many others.

A new venue for this year has just been announced – the his­toric Dart­ing­ton Hall, which has served as a cen­tre for the arts for many years. Dart­ing­ton will be the new home for Sea Change’s main stage, allow­ing for music to go on lat­er into the night, and a greater capac­i­ty than previously.

Dart­ing­ton Hal­l’s new Food and Drink Direc­tor, Oliv­er Rowe, will be get­ting involved with food projects for the fes­ti­val, plus there will be some spe­cial­ly-cre­at­ed guest beers and a beer festival. 

There will also be a new pro­gramme of nature and ecol­o­gy based workshops.

Aldous Harding by Harriet Were
Aldous Hard­ing per­formed at Sea Change 2017


And the line­up? The first artists will be revealed shortly.

Sea Change: Fri­day 24 and Sat­ur­day 25 August

Tick­ets from Sea Change and twit­ter @driftseachange

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