More artists for Camp Bestival, Dorset and Shropshire

Those with tick­ets for Camp Besti­val Dorset and Camp Besti­val Shrop­shire have some wel­come addi­tions to their line­ups – and those still hunt­ing for a tru­ly fam­i­­ly-friend­­ly event should check out these two sum­mer events. Camp Besti­val Shrop­shire The new­bie, Camp Besti­val Shrop­shire is a stand-alone event with all the fam­i­ly friend­ly ele­ments of the…

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Camp Bestival doubles up: Dorset and now Shropshire too

Why put on one fes­ti­val when you can organ­ise two? Camp Besti­val has giv­en birth this year to a sec­ond shindig, with the usu­al Dorset loca­tion being joined by Camp Besti­val Shrop­shire lat­er in the sum­mer. Fam­i­ly friend­ly event Camp Besti­val will be return­ing for 2022 to its home in Dorset at Lul­worth Cove. From…

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