Those with tick­ets for Camp Besti­val Dorset and Camp Besti­val Shrop­shire have some wel­come addi­tions to their line­ups – and those still hunt­ing for a tru­ly fam­i­ly-friend­ly event should check out these two sum­mer events.

Camp Bestival Shropshire

The new­bie, Camp Besti­val Shrop­shire is a stand-alone event with all the fam­i­ly friend­ly ele­ments of the orig­i­nal Camp Besti­val. Self Esteem, aka Rebec­ca Tay­lor, who has been wow­ing crowds with her lat­est album Pri­ori­tise Plea­sure is mak­ing an appear­ance; like­wise Mr Scruff is also set to join the line­up, plus the Bol­ly­wood Brass Band and British music duo The 2 Bears.

Aso appear­ing: Sis­ter Nan­cy & Legal Shot Sound for some Jamaican dance hall flavours, The Hot Tub Time Machine will sup­ply 80s and 90s throw­back tunes and Balearic DJ Nan­cy Noise.

Portia’s Hap­py Hour head­ed up by mod­el Por­tia Free­man is anoth­er excit­ing addi­tion. Par­ents can enjoy a lit­tle me time away from the mad­ness whilst indulging in a cock­tail or two.

Camp Bestival Dorset

The estab­lished Camp Besti­val Dorset at Lul­worth Cas­tle announces David Rodi­gan, Rho­da Dakar, Junior Jun­gle and Too Many T’s. Plus ‘Chap-hop’ leg­end Mr B The Gen­tle­man Rhymer, DJ and World­wide FM host Pete Good­ing, and DJs, Chris Coco and Frank Tope.

Camp Besti­val Dorset will have a new ‘Desert Island Dis­co’ theme. Get ready to dis­co-nnect from the 9–5 and head to the field for a week­end of record-break­ing glit­ter, gig­gles and good times. 

Stars in both Camps

There are sev­er­al artists set to star at both fes­ti­vals such as the world’s youngest Asperger’s band, The Sten­cil Pen­cils. Con­sist­ing of 11-year-old Kale Har­ris-Her­bert aka ‘woo’, broth­er John­son aka ‘bou­ba’, 13, and sis­ter Indi­ana aka ‘bin­di-bow’, 7, the trio have already been recog­nised by the Queen. Also ‘Chap-hop’ leg­end, Mr B The Gen­tle­man Rhymer, and Brit nom­i­nat­ed Gracey

Tick­ets for Camp Besti­val Dorset are on sale now. Adult week­end camp­ing tick­ets start from £210 (+ book­ing fee) and child week­end tick­ets from £80 (+ book­ing fee). For tick­ets and details please vis­it:
Camp Besti­val Shrop­shire takes place at West­on Park, 18–21 August 2022. Tick­ets are on sale now. For more info vis­it

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