Focus on Manchester: LoneLady at Rough Trade mini gig; Shirley Baker photography retrospective

On first hear­ing that jagged, frac­tured gui­tar intro to Intu­ition, I was trans­port­ed back to the days of the late 70s band Gang of Four, my for­mer uni­ver­si­ty col­leagues. Indeed Julie Ann Camp­bell, aka LoneLa­dy, is a bit of a fan­girl for the group, and for that era of spiky, spare post-punk. More recent­ly her per­for­mance at Oslo, Hack­ney, saw her supporting…

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Goodbye Bedroom Hour: when bands split up

I’m still shift­ing from one emo­tion to anoth­er as time pass­es and the real­i­ty of their dis­band­ing sinks in. Dis­be­lief at first, and sor­row over a band who seemed on the face of it to be mak­ing strides musically

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Interview with Stuart Drummond of The Bedroom Hour

Inter­view: August 7 2014. It hard­ly needs to be said that I’m a big fan of The Bed­room Hour. I man­aged to catch up with their singer Stu­art Drum­mond as he was rush­ing down to the stu­dio one evening. He and the band are very busy at the moment with debut album Hin­ter­land deserved­ly get­ting a great recep­tion, a summer…

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Review: Debut album Hinterland by The Bedroom Hour

March 31 2015: This review is for Hin­ter­land by The Bed­room Hour. I’ve been made aware that some peo­ple are expect­ing to read about new album Hin­ter­land by LoneLa­dy. So, The Bed­room Hour’s debut album, Hin­ter­land is final­ly here. The band were post­ing reg­u­lar updates on its progress and suc­cess­ful­ly crowd fund­ed to help with its release. I’m feel­ing that same…

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