W.H.Lung, London IAH, photo gallery

W.H. Lung and Pem at Isling­ton Assem­bly Hall, 21st Novem­ber 2024. Even the capa­cious stage at Isling­ton Assem­bly Hall looked a lit­tle too small to con­tain Joe Evans, W.H. Lung’s enig­mat­ic vocal­ist. Whether launch­ing him­self over to the bar­ri­er or doing his side­ways crab style dance manoeu­vre, he’s a pas­sion­ate, high ener­gy front man. The songs…

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Review: Lamb at Union Chapel

This was Lam­b’s first seat­ed gig, so they tell us. Good going for the duo who have been in exis­tence since 1996. They did, how­ev­er, exhort us to get up on our feet for a dancey num­ber after which no one seemed much inclined to sit down again. The duo released a new album this year,…

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Lost Map: Pictish Trail Daylight Music at Union Chapel

The Day­light Music ses­sions at Union Chapel in Isling­ton are gen­tle, pay-what-you-like lunchtime con­certs with tea and cake. There are around 30 ses­sions per year. This Sat­ur­day was the turn of artists on the Lost Map record label run from the remote Hebridean island of Eigg by John­ny Lynch, who per­forms as Pic­tish Trail. Lynch and…

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Lloyd Cole at Union Chapel review

I noticed that Lloyd Cole was sport­ing that slight­ly tricky sar­to­r­i­al trend, dou­ble den­im. Lat­er in the set, Cole made ref­er­ence to his out­fit. He relat­ed a sto­ry about a vis­it to Austin, Texas, where at a honky tonk bar he observed “much younger women danc­ing with old­er men… who all wore dou­ble den­im”. Much of Cole’s amus­ing onstage patter…

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