Daylight music: coffee, cakes and one hot chip

Gigs dur­ing the day­time are such a great idea. Instead of the usu­al beers and warm white wine, at an event run by Day­light Music you can enjoy a cup of tea, deli­cious home made cakes, plus quiche and sausage rolls – there’s also a selec­tion of chil­dren’s drinks too. Then spend a cou­ple of…

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Dance music from a bothy: Makeness on the Lost Map label

Fans of Pic­tish Trail will no doubt be aware of the artist and his band’s adopt­ed home of Eigg, a remote Hebridean island. John­ny Lynch (aka Pic­tish Trail) invites and encour­ages artists to share in this stark and wild land­scape, away from the stress­es of city life, and equal­ly share in the abil­i­ty to be…

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New release: Pictish Trail ‘Natural Successor’

There’s a fab­u­lous wild ener­gy about the new Pic­tish Trail sin­gle Nat­ur­al Suc­ces­sor, bring­ing its joy­ous aban­don­ment from the rugged land­scapes of the remote isle of Eigg to fes­ti­val crowds this late sum­mer and beyond. Get out there, recon­nect with your soul and dance. The stomp­ing five min­utes-long track announces itself with a steady drum­beat before…

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