True Faith: Manchester Art Gallery

Joy Divi­sion and New Order have had a pro­found effect on the cre­ative arts, inspir­ing not only musi­cians but artists, writ­ers, illus­tra­tors and film mak­ers. Their visu­al lega­cy is now being doc­u­ment­ed in a new exhi­bi­tion open­ing in Man­ches­ter as part of the Man­ches­ter Inter­na­tion­al Fes­ti­val (MIF17). Tak­ing place at Man­ches­ter Art Gallery from 30th…

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Review: Festival Number 6 2015

Fes­ti­val Num­ber 6 feels as if it has ful­ly got into its stride. It offers a dizzy­ing array of intel­li­gent­ly-curat­ed events, from bands and DJs to com­e­dy, night­time pro­ces­sions, work­shops and talks, plus some­thing this fes­ti­val has come to excel in – inter­views and inti­mate per­for­mances by a hand­ful of the main-stage artists.

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