Cool tracks: Orlando Seale and the Swell at St Pancras

Of all the train sta­tions in Lon­don to find your­self in with time to spare, St Pan­cras is the most pleas­ant. A few shops, wine bars, arti­san type food out­lets, and occa­sion­al announce­ments in French – and I dis­cov­ered Orlan­do Seale and the Swell were enter­tain­ing the crowds. There’s even more going on at the…

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King’s Place for food, drinks, art and alt-country band, ahab

We saw ahab at King’s Place as part of the King’s Cross venue’s folk ses­sions. Just for the record, Ahab (upper-case) are a Ger­man funer­al doom-met­al out­fit – to be remem­bered when googling them. ahab (low­er case) saunter on stage at King’s Place. First on is Cal­lum Ander­son, play­ing the first few chords of a beautiful-sounding…

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