Bluedot 2023 review

When you’re on the way to Blue­dot, that first glimpse of the Lovell tele­scope is always a ‘wow’, moment. There it stands, on the Cheshire plain, com­muning with the plan­ets and deep space. Our con­duit to the stars and beyond. No won­der that Blue­dot, the fes­ti­val that has grown up around this beau­ti­ful struc­ture has…

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Bluedot 2023 photo gallery Saturday & Sunday

On Sat­ur­day and Sun­day: HENGE, Space Parade, Pic­tish Trail, Tinari­wen, TVAM, Mary in the Junk­yard, Dry Clean­ing. Mag­gie Aderin-Pocock gave a talk at Mis­sion Con­trol. Chris Hawkins with his wife Clare Nasir inter­viewed pho­tog­ra­ph­er Max Alexan­der and talked about near-space sus­tain­abil­i­ty. Music: Tele­man, Lava La Rue, Nihilox­i­ca, Young Fathers and Grace Jones Click here for photos…

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Bluedot 2023 photo gallery Thursday & Friday

Blue­dot 2023. Thurs­day evening – Max Richter and the BBC Con­cert Orches­tra open blue­dot Fes­ti­val 2023 with a spe­cial Unclas­si­fied Live, host­ed by Eliz­a­beth Alk­er.  Fri­day – Lovell, Orbit and Neb­u­la stages. Talks and work­shops plus Man­ches­ter Uni­ver­si­ty’s sci­ence stalls. Shaun Keav­e­ny on the Notes stage. Lead pho­to: TC & The Groove Fam­i­ly Click here for…

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Bluedot 2022 festival review

Since its first year in 2016, Blue­dot has carved out a unique place in the fes­ti­val land­scape, curat­ing a music line­up that can rival any oth­er gath­er­ing. But it also offers some­thing spe­cial – a win­dow into the world of sci­ence and space. Talks and work­shops are giv­en by some of the top names in…

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Review: Bluedot 2019: a space celebration

If the sci­en­tists at Jodrell Bank could put their col­lec­tive heads togeth­er, it would be per­fect if they could find a way of tele­port­ing us back to the fields of Blue­dot in order to do the fes­ti­val all over again. That way it might be pos­si­ble to expe­ri­ence the stuff you’d missed first time round.…

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Bluedot celebrates the Moon Landing

Come and help cel­e­brate the 50th anniver­sary of the Moon Land­ing with the incred­i­ble Moon-themed line-up at Blue­dot fes­ti­val. It was 50 years to the day – 21 July 1969 – that Neil Arm­strong and Buzz Aldrin set foot on the Moon. Where bet­ter to be than at the icon­ic Jodrell Bank in Cheshire –…

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Bluedot 2018: out of this world music and science mashup

Blue­dot fes­ti­val moves into its third year with its unique brand of music, sci­ence and space mashup. There is prob­a­bly no oth­er fes­ti­val like it: music fans can take their fill of sev­er­al stages and sci­ence geeks have a wealth talks and work­shops with experts, although its fair to say most fes­ti­val goers dip into…

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