Review: Simone Felice at Bush Hall

Simone Felice starts his gig at Bush Hall with New York Times – it’s a haunt­ing and grit­ty num­ber which encap­su­lates famil­iar Felice ter­ri­to­ry – man’s vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty and cru­el­ty, human strug­gle, death. But also love, find­ing beau­ty and joy in life, and the plea­sure and impor­tance of good friends. Of the grit­ti­er sub­ject mat­ter, Felice does­n’t shy away but tack­les things head on, and…

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Simone Felice is spellbinding at St Giles-in-the-Fields church

It’s the fourth of July, we’re at St Giles-in-the-Fields Church, and Simone Felice is obvi­ous­ly enthralled and inspired by the atmos­phere of the church and its grand beau­ty. So much so that towards the end of the set, he bounds off the stage to dance down the aisle, encour­ag­ing us to join in with the…

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