To cel­e­brate 20 years since The Go! Team’s clas­sic album Thun­der, Light­ning, Strike, the band have asked a range of artists they love and admire to remix, rework and refash­ion tracks from the album, with a new one being released monthly.

So far we’ve seen reworks by Los Bitchos, Cor­ner­shop, Louie Zong, lilien rosar­i­an and CV Vision. And now the man­tle pass­es to Scot­tish indie band The Pastels. 

The Pas­tels have rein­ter­pret­ed the song with a swoony, dreamy ver­sion, brim­ming with gen­tle, breathy vocals and the flute empha­sis­ing the low-fi quality. 

Says Stephen of The Pas­tels about their ver­sion, “It was a plea­sure to work on a ver­sion of Hold Yr Ter­ror Close for the 20th anniver­sary of Thun­der, Light­ning, Strike. The Go! Team is a group that we’re all fans of and it was so great to get inside one of the songs which we’ve always loved. Miss­ing orig­i­nal parts meant we went for a stu­dio group per­for­mance and we did most of it in an after­noon, over­dub­bing Tom’s flute part the next day. It’s fun­ny and great how a good song can be ren­dered in so many dif­fer­ent ways – the orig­i­nal is bright, sparky, bit­ter­sweet. Ours is slo-mo, fur­ther into the night. Good to switch the torch back on.”

The Go! Team have been tour­ing over spring and sum­mer and there’s more to come for the ener­getic col­lec­tive. The shows below will see the band play the whole album Thun­der, Light­ning, Strike from begin­ning to end. Tick­ets avail­able here

Thun­der, Light­ning, Strike Anniver­sary Shows
Sep 26 – Edin­burgh, Queens Hall, UK
Sep 27 – Man­ches­ter, New Cen­tu­ry Hall, UK
Sep 28 – Bris­tol, Mar­ble Fac­to­ry, UK
Sep 29 – Dublin, But­ton Fac­to­ry, IE [SOLD OUT]
Oct 28 – Chica­go, Lin­coln Hall, US*
Oct 30 – Cam­bridge, Sin­clair, US *
Nov 01 – New York, Irv­ing Plaza, US *
Nov 02 – Philadel­phia, The Foundry, US *
Nov 03 – Wash­ing­ton DC, Black Cat, US *
Dec 09 – Brighton, The Corn Exchange, UK
*With sup­port from La Sécurité

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