Here at Gourmet Gigs tow­ers, we love to hear of music and food com­bos. And at Wom­ad fes­ti­val, the Taste the World stage gives their glob­al music stars the chance to shine in the kitchen and share their favourite recipes and sto­ries. It’s a unique musi­cal and culi­nary fusion.

Artists hot-foot­ing it from the main stages to the arbore­tum are from Mada­gas­car, Nor­way, Ukraine, Ghana, Cana­da and Turkey to Scot­land, India, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Fin­land and Guinea.

Sound­ing deli­cious are Man­ti – gor­geous Turk­ish dumplings with cara­malised toma­to sauce and gar­licky yoghurt – cooked by the psy­che­delia band BaBa ZuLa. Lemon Buck­et Orkestra’s Balkan artists whizz up some Piero­gi, and Rura’s Scot­tish Cullen Skink – a smoked had­dock, leek, onion and pota­to soup warms the soul.

ladama at taste the world stage at womad festival

Ladama at Taste the World Stage at Wom­adAfro-soul Queen JoJo Abot is turn­ing up the heat with her tongue-tin­gling dish ‘Red Red’, with fried plan­tain, black-eyed beans and a host of spices that will trans­port audi­ences to the heart of West Africa, whilst Anan­di Bhat­achar­raya will bring a tra­di­tion­al Ben­gali Cur­ry called Chick­en Reza­la. Self-pro­claimed ‘eth­nic chaos’ quar­tet Dhakabrakha will whip up a Ukrain­ian Borscht soup.

WOMAD will be run­ning dai­ly cook­ery work­shops for kids too. Every morn­ing younger fes­ti­val-goers will get the chance to learn how to make total­ly tasty tapas, irre­sistible veg­an-style sweet tast­ing ‘kick­er balls’, smooth­ies and ‘nori’ veg­etable rolls with lus­cious dip­ping sauce.

Food traders across the fes­ti­val site include Indi­an’s Dosa Deli to Himalayan good­ies from Tibetan Kitchen to Span­ish treats at La Pael­lar­ia.

WOMAD fes­ti­val  25–28th July

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