The Sec­ond Breath will be hap­pen­ing for one day in May, bring­ing togeth­er club­bing cul­ture, cir­cus skills, a mys­tery tour and cli­mate change stories.

The Sec­ond Breath is a walk­ing mys­tery tour of Leeds, with daz­zling cir­cus acts and dar­ing stunts, pro­jec­tions, sto­ries and psy­che­del­ic dance music. The sound­track was espe­cial­ly writ­ten for the per­for­mances by local DJ, KWAH and the pro­jec­tions are by Mag­ic Lantern. After assem­bling at the start point of Dou­ble­Tree Hilton, Gra­nary Wharf, you’ll be giv­en head­phones before head­ing off through the streets of Hol­beck for music and tales, fol­low­ing the trav­el­ling cir­cus with plen­ty of adven­ture along the way. The per­for­mance is suit­able for fam­i­lies with chil­dren from 8, and adults.

Behind it is York­shire-based pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny imove who con­tin­ue to push the bound­aries with imag­i­na­tive and ground­break­ing work. The Sec­ond Breath is their lat­est per­for­mance and Sat­ur­day 10th May is the date.The imove team ini­tial­ly came togeth­er for York­shire’s cul­tur­al Olympiad – but things did­n’t stop there. Now, as an inde­pen­dent arts organ­i­sa­tion, they have built up a rep­u­ta­tion for stag­ing auda­cious and mem­o­rable events. Wit­ness their pre­vi­ous project, The Grand Departs, which cel­e­brat­ed the Tour de France in York­shire. Spec­ta­tors on the route wit­nessed a grand piano (com­plete with in situ pianists play­ing pieces com­posed espe­cial­ly for the event) being pulled up the longest con­tin­u­ous ascent in Eng­land by a team of cyclists.

Jo and Tom, Cyr Wheel/The Second Breath
Jo Moss on Cyr Wheel

For The Sec­ond Breath, imove’s cre­ative direc­tor Tes­sa Gordziejko has tak­en ele­ments that inspire her – a fas­ci­na­tion with psy­che­del­ic dance music and the north­ern club­bing scene, togeth­er with cli­mate change issues, to be told in sto­ries which will be act­ed out by the cir­cus acro­bats. Tes­sa was work­ing with UCLAN and the Cli­mate Change Alliance and she and Mish Weaver, direc­tor of Stum­bledance cir­cus, devised tales and char­ac­ters to rep­re­sent our dif­fer­ent atti­tudes to cli­mate change. Stum­bledance will be enter­tain­ing par­tic­i­pants with dance and acro­bat­ics, incor­po­rat­ing bal­ance and move­ment – Jo Moss (pic­tured above), jug­gler Tom Hunt, Mad­die McGowan on aer­i­al rope and David Ford, street the­atre artist.

Tes­sa feels the city of Leeds pro­vides the right ele­ments for The Sec­ond Breath: it is a cen­tre for the psy­che­del­ic club scene and it also has a strong, inde­pen­dent site-spe­cif­ic the­atre move­ment. Inno­v­a­tive the­atre com­pa­ny Slung Low are sup­port­ing The Sec­ond Breath and the imove team are work­ing at their premis­es, five rail­way arch­es in the Hol­beck are of Leeds named The Hub.

The Sec­ond Breath promis­es to be chal­leng­ing, fun and infor­ma­tive, a tour of cli­mate change through the back­streets of Leeds with phys­i­cal feats, and sur­pris­es on the way. There are two per­for­mances on Sat­ur­day, a day per­for­mance, which is suit­able for chil­dren and fam­i­lies. The evening per­for­mance fin­ish­es at 11pm, and par­tic­i­pants who are club­bing mind­ed may like to go on to Leeds ware­house club­bing space Beaver Works for Beaver­fest dance fest, which is just down the road from the fin­ish­ing point.

The Sec­ond Breath takes place in Hol­beck, Leeds. Tick­ets from £5.

BOOK NOW for the fam­i­ly after­noon show or an extend­ed pre club per­for­mance and DJ/ VJ set.
Sec­ond Breath Face­book page
imove cur­rent projects

Gra­nary Wharf, Leeds
Dou­ble­Tree by Hilton

York­shire Post arti­cle here

Pho­tos by Andy Wood; Char­nelle Wild


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