Independent Venue Week at The Trades Club

While we spend Jan­u­ary snug­gling under duvets lis­ten­ing to lash­ing rain and howl­ing wind, the night time econ­o­my takes a hit. One area that can’t afford to lie dor­mant is grass­roots music venues. Per­fect­ly timed, Inde­pen­dent Venue Week is an annu­al cel­e­bra­tion of these unique, inti­mate places and aims to entice music fans out with…

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Trevor Beales – newly found folk artist of Hebden Bridge

Heb­den Bridge is known for its cre­ative and inde­pen­dent spir­it, and music is a vibrant and impor­tant part of that. There’s the annu­al Folk Roots Fes­ti­val; thriv­ing grass­roots venue The Trades Club, and any num­ber of pubs across the area that host live music. More recent­ly the town has become known for pro­duc­ing a wave…

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Cherry Ghost at The Trades for IVW

Cher­ry Ghost appeared at The Trades back in 2015 as part of the Heav­en­ly week­ender. It‘s been a long wait to see them again, espe­cial­ly with Covid caus­ing a cou­ple of frus­trat­ing delays. But here we are, on the final night of Inde­pen­dent Venue Week, with Simon Aldred and – for this gig – Christian…

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Interview: The Lounge Society

There must be some­thing in the water, or the ale, in West York­shire’s Calder Val­ley these days, judg­ing by the sur­feit of young musi­cal tal­ent ema­nat­ing from the crag­gy moors and val­leys around Heb­den Bridge. Oth­er fac­tors that play a part are a clued up, sup­port­ive net­work and a hand­ful of local venues will­ing to…

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The Orielles added to Heavenly Weekender at The Trades

Great news: young West York­shire three-piece The Orielles have just signed to Heav­en­ly record­ings. The band – Esme Hand Hal­ford on bass, sis­ter Sidonie on drums and Hen­ry Wade on gui­tar, are known for their lush garagey sun-drenched sound  – a Cal­i­forn­ian vibe by way of Hal­i­fax (the Cal­i­fax sound, per­haps). Since the band got togeth­er they’ve been gigging…

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A Heavenly January on its way in Hebden Bridge

The Trades, Heb­den Bridge 2017. Drea­ry old Jan­u­ary. Dark rainy nights, emp­ty bank account, bud­dies off the alco­hol… is there any­thing the wretched first month has going for it? Well, yes! A Heav­en­ly week­end at The Trades in Heb­den Bridge, where the esteemed venue hosts a mini fest of musi­cal delights. Last Jan­u­ary 2016, we saw…

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Review: Seamus Fogarty, Meilyr Jones, Field Music; Gwenno, LoneLady

Sea­mus Fog­a­r­ty, Meilyr Jones, Field Music Fri­day’s line­up at The Trades Heb­den Bridge con­sists of three acts who one might not ini­tial­ly think, ‘Well, these three are going to work well togeth­er’. What actu­al­ly tran­spired was an evening of thought­ful and chal­leng­ing music, each act com­ple­ment­ing the oth­er in such a way to cre­ate a satisfying…

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Hebden Bridge: After the deluge

I’m repost­ing a piece from 2012, an account of the floods in Heb­den Bridge and the sur­round­ing vil­lages, writ­ten by local long-term res­i­dent and cre­ator of many com­mu­ni­ty events, Tes­sa Gordziejko. The Trades, Heb­den Bridge’s venue for so many great music nights, was giv­en a boost by Pat­ti Smith who did a gig there and…

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Event: The Second Breath. Take to the streets for a mystery tour

The Sec­ond Breath will be hap­pen­ing for one day in May, bring­ing togeth­er club­bing cul­ture, cir­cus skills, a mys­tery tour and cli­mate change sto­ries. The Sec­ond Breath is a walk­ing mys­tery tour of Leeds, with daz­zling cir­cus acts and dar­ing stunts, pro­jec­tions, sto­ries and psy­che­del­ic dance music. The sound­track was espe­cial­ly writ­ten for the per­for­mances by local DJ, KWAH and the pro­jec­tions are by…

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