Art Gar­funkel and his son Art Gar­funkel Jnr have just released the first sin­gle Time After Time (orig­i­nal­ly per­formed by Cyn­di Lau­per) from their upcom­ing album.

Their first col­lab­o­ra­tive stu­dio album. ‘Father and Son’ is set for release on Novem­ber 8, 2024, via BMG. The album com­pris­es a set of cov­ers album – a selec­tion of their per­son­al favourites from the last century.

“‘Time After Time’ is one of my all-time favourites from the 80s,” says Gar­funkel Jr. about the orches­trat­ed ren­di­tion. “It’s a song that fits per­fect­ly on this album – because it also deals with our rela­tion­ship, this unique bond between my father and me.

“It felt like a dream. It was sim­ply quite won­der­ful. I love work­ing with him,” adds Art Gar­funkel. “I like to say my son is a bet­ter singer than I am. I mean, I’m pret­ty good… but he is better.”

“We were going for a real mod­ern orches­tral vibe, with lots of strings,” they say about the new project’s lush and lav­ish sound. In the stu­dio, they enlist­ed three inter­na­tion­al greats to cap­ture the unique father-son dynam­ic: hit pro­duc­er Felix Gaud­er (Pet Shop Boys, Jim­my Somerville) was joined by top-notch Ital­ian string arranger Davide Rossi (Cold­play, Ali­cia Keys) and Ash Howes (Kylie Minogue, Ellie Gould­ing). As they were fin­ish­ing off the album, Gar­funkel & Gar­funkel booked anoth­er stu­dio for a video shoot – which turned out to be the stu­dio where Cyn­di Lau­per record­ed the orig­i­nal ver­sion of Time After Time.

“This one is tru­ly a father-son project, it’s all about this unique con­nec­tion,” Art Jnr. adds. “We record­ed a dozen of our most cher­ished songs. I brought more of the 80s influ­ences into the project, and my father brought more of the Great Amer­i­can Song­book – won­der­ful songs from the 1940s and so on. These two influ­ences came togeth­er in a pret­ty excit­ing way. Over­all, it’s def­i­nite­ly an expres­sion of our bond.” 

Track list­ing
Blue Moon
Old Friends
Time After Time
Once In A While
I Won’t Let You Down
Let It be Me
Nature Boy
You Belong To Me
Here Comes the Rain Again
Father and Son

The new album Father And Son release date Novem­ber 8th, 2024.

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