High ener­gy post-punk band Choses Sauvages are from Mon­tréal, Cana­da. The six-piece out­fit have built quite a fear­some rep­u­ta­tion for their live per­for­mances – pow­er­ful, explo­sive and dance-heavy. With two albums under their belt, Chose Sauvages have just unveiled a new sin­gle called En Joue.

En Joue exhibits all the hall­marks of the band’s dance-punk sound – spiky open­ing notes and the chop­py instru­men­ta­tion evoke ear­ly Talk­ing Heads, while there’s a com­pul­sive­ly addic­tive bass dri­ving its way through to the track­’s conclusion.

Front­man Félix Bélisle describes what the new track is about: ‘The feel­ing of help­less­ness faced by the extreme­ly vio­lent inter­na­tion­al news from recent years.’ The lyrics con­vey a seri­ous and heart­felt mes­sage… “The ghouls who hide under our beds, All night long, Eat away our blood, The essence that makes us a benev­o­lent world is suf­fo­cat­ing, I can feel it”.

Chose Sauvages have fea­tured in the line­up of sev­er­al major fes­ti­vals, includ­ing Pitch­fork Music Fes­ti­val Paris, The Great Escape, Mad Cool Fes­ti­val, Print­emps deBourges, and MaMA and will be return­ing to the UK with­in the next year.

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