Belfast duo Dark Trop­ics reveal the fol­low-up to their pre­vi­ous release Moroc­can Sun, in late 2020. This time round they’ve gone for a more vin­tage sound on Keep Search­ing, out May 7th.

Keep Search­ing was inspired by the vibran­cy and romance of 60’s Amer­i­can soul music,” says the band. “It’s about not want­i­ng to be left behind and hav­ing the strength and resolve to chase a dream, no mat­ter what.” 

Dark Trop­ics know how to ramp up the dra­ma but this track sees them move into rather dif­fer­ent ter­ri­to­ry. Keep Search­ing has a breezy hook and sounds like a sound­track to sum­mer, but there’s a sense of some­thing deep­er going on. With warm strings and even a bluesy touch, it cre­ates a per­fect can­vas for Rio McGuin­ness’s expres­sive, emo­tive vocals. 

Their accom­pa­ny­ing video was filmed in a hazy Belfast flat. “The video tells the sto­ry of a real­ly trou­bled rela­tion­ship – one where your iden­ti­ty is stripped and you need to search for the per­son you once were. It was direct­ed by Thomas McK­e­own who used light and shade as a tool to fur­ther empha­sise the emo­tion in the danc­ing and movement.” 

Dark Trop­ics released their debut sin­gle Bad­lands last sum­mer, fol­lowed by Moroc­can Sun late 2020, to wide­spread crit­i­cal acclaim.



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