Pledge Psy­chodra­ma is an inter­est­ing and seduc­tive gem of a track which pulled me in with its air of mys­tery. A land­scape of dense, woozy elec­tron­i­ca grad­u­al­ly unfolds, lay­ing down a com­fort­ing wash of sound. It does­n’t sur­prise me that it popped up on Gideon Coe’s show on Radio 6 Music as it’s ide­al mate­r­i­al for late evening listening. 

After a lan­guid­ly paced intro­duc­tion, the spo­ken-word vocals com­mence. From the unfold­ing nar­ra­tive, we slow­ly deduce that some­thing has gone very wrong. There’s an air of ten­sion, bit­ter­ness and res­ig­na­tion in the vocal deliv­ery. This is a tale with a sting in it… “you broke the pledge” the voice intones. “The promis­es we made seem hol­low now. You broke the pledge.“ 

Pledge Psy­chodra­ma is the title track on the new EP of the same name by RKB Vitesse, aka Lon­don based pro­duc­er Oliv­er Marchant. This, his sec­ond work comes after his debut album was unveiled in Decem­ber 2020, called The More You Love Your­self The More You Will be Loved.

It was released on Vit­a­min Con­cept, the label Oliv­er co-runs with Ser­a­fi­na Steer. RKB Vitesse have been described as mak­ers of “tran­sient­ly euphor­ic elec­tro doom bangers”. RKB Vitesse presents a month­ly radio show called Vit­a­mins – with Chooc Ly, out­look­ex­plor­er and Ammonite – on Inter­net Pub­lic Radio, and makes up one half of wide vista sound and DJ duo Open Windows.

Pledge Pyschodra­ma is avail­able via dig­i­tal ser­vices and as part of Lost Map’s PostMap Club sub­scrip­tion ser­vice. LOST MAP RECORDS was estab­lished by founder and direc­tor John­ny Lynch, who lives on the isle of Eigg, Scotland

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