Just as one venue is saved, the fate of anoth­er becomes per­ilous, and some have had to close for good. The lat­est casu­al­ty is Zanz­ibar in Liv­er­pool. Hence this new ini­tia­tive which has just been announced: with the help of pop­u­lar singer-song­writer Frank Turn­er, Music Venue Trust today announce their Offi­cial Beer Part­ner Fight­back Brew­ing Com­pa­ny will begin sell­ing bot­tled Fight­back Lager, Fight­back Cider, Fight­back Berries and Fight­back IPA online. And it’s all in sup­port of the #saveour­v­enues campaign.

Fight­back Lager, launched in 2018 and stocked in over 60 Grass­roots Music Venue bars across the UK, makes a 5p dona­tion to MVT from every pint sold. With gigs remain­ing on hold, music fans drink at home and still con­tribute to venues’ survival.

Join­ing Fight­back Lager will be new addi­tions Fight­back Cider, Fight­back Berries and Fight­back IPA fol­low­ing a part­ner­ship with Tril­o­gy Bev­er­age Brands to expand FIGHT­BACK­’s reach nation­al­ly. A move to grow the fundrais­ing ini­tia­tive and sub­stan­tial­ly build the lev­el of dona­tions to Music Venue Trust.

To order, go to https://shop.fightbacklager.com/

Frank Turn­er said: “The Save Our Venues cam­paign has been a great suc­cess in show­ing what all of us can achieve when we come togeth­er to fight for our cor­ner of cul­ture. The Music Venue Trust Save Our Venues Cam­paign and every­body who’s been involved in it has made great strides in rais­ing mon­ey and rais­ing aware­ness dur­ing this dif­fi­cult time.

But the fight is far from over, and there is more that we can do. Of course every­body can go to www.saveourvenues.co.uk and get involved and donate to the cam­paign there, but Music Venue Trust have also announced new lines of Fight­back Lager, Fight­back IPA and Fight­back Cider and it’s deli­cious! A dona­tion from the sale of every sin­gle pint, bot­tle and can goes to the Save Our Venues fund. 

So; get involved, get your­self a drink, donate to the cam­paign and let’s save our venues. Together.” 

Fight­back Brew­ing Com­pa­ny Direc­tor Rich Smith said: “When we cre­at­ed our beer a cou­ple of years ago, too many Grass­roots Music Venues were in a bat­tle for sur­vival. With Covid-19, we have been pulled into a fight for the future of live music in this coun­try. Like all music fans, we can­not phys­i­cal­ly unite behind the cause for a while, but we can all find ways to show sol­i­dar­i­ty. This is ours.”

Mark Davyd; CEO Music Venue Trust said: “Fight­back is the only beer brand which donates to Music Venue Trust from every pint, bot­tle and can sold. With the help of all our friends and sup­port­ers we can ampli­fy the mes­sage that This Beer Saves Music Venues. Every bot­tle will make a pos­i­tive dif­fer­ence to our #saveour­v­enues campaign.”

About #saveour­v­enues

The #saveour­v­enues cam­paign was ini­ti­at­ed by Music Venue Trust in response to the con­tin­ued eco­nom­ic threat to over 800 Grass­roots Music Venues through­out the UK. As a result of dona­tions from music fans, music indus­try com­pa­nies and oth­er organ­i­sa­tions, along­side impor­tant inter­ven­tions from pub­lic bod­ies such as The Lon­don Mayor’s Office, Cre­ative Wales and Arts Coun­cil Eng­land many Grass­roots Music Venues are now pro­tect­ed from immi­nent clo­sure. How­ev­er, even as the lock­down eas­es, the future of these venues remains bleak with only 3% of venues able to open under the pro­posed two metre dis­tanc­ing rules.

FIGHTBACK LAGER new lines 330ml bot­tles now avail­able to buy online

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