Firesta­tions have just released their new sin­gle called Swim Under the Win­ter (out Decem­ber 5th).

We always love a new Firesta­tions num­ber and this is a dreamy, slight­ly hazy offer­ing from the Lon­don-based band. Out on Lost Map records, the song is about mak­ing a deci­sion to approach a prob­lem from a dif­fer­ent angle. Says vocal­ist Mike: “You’re look­ing for a pat­tern that isn’t there. Star­ing at long shad­ows in the after­noon sun­light and accept­ing the pos­si­bil­i­ty of feel­ing bet­ter and redis­cov­er­ing sim­ple joys. Win­ter being as much filled with the promise of light as it is with darkness.”

There’s a haunt­ing, wist­ful qual­i­ty to Swim Under the Win­ter. The vocals seem to float towards you as if through a crisp win­ter mist. There’s a med­i­ta­tive qual­i­ty, a feel­ing of draw­ing inwards just before a spring reawak­en­ing – there’s very much the sug­ges­tion that solu­tions can be found and a sense of opti­mism lurks under the sur­face. Mike and Lau­ra’s razor sharp har­monies hov­er on a fine edge between sooth­ing and melancholic.

The track comes ahead of new work for 2023. “Lyri­cal­ly, quite a lot of the new songs are verg­ing, weird­ly, on ‘self-help’, and Swim Under the Win­ter has got a bit of that flavour,” says Mike. “We’ve got no desire to be inter­net-age gurus (well, maybe just a lit­tle… could be fun), but we’ve def­i­nite­ly been soak­ing up the post-lock­down anx­i­eties and feel­ing a bit cut adrift in a new (old) real­i­ty. It seems like it’s just one thing after anoth­er right now, an over­load that nev­er stops, and how can we dis­con­nect from that?

Swim Under the Win­ter by Firesta­tions. The sin­gle is avail­able to share and stream now.
Released as part of Lost Map’s Postmap Club Sub­scrip­tion Ser­vice, with exclu­sive remix­es by Beneather and Bit Cloudy.
Tak­en from the forth­com­ing new album New Riv­er Under­ground, com­ing 2023 ///

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