This Inter­na­tion­al Wom­en’s Day I’m think­ing about all those female artists mak­ing it in an indus­try that isn’t always female friendly. 

I’m lis­ten­ing to BBC Radio 6, enjoy­ing a whole day of music cour­tesy of female artists. It’s got me think­ing of all the amaz­ing women I’ve seen and lis­tened to over the years – and here’s one whose caused a sen­sa­tion – in a good way – with her last album, and is cur­rent­ly on a sold-out tour. Self Esteem has made incred­i­ble strides since her amaz­ing album Pri­ori­tise Plea­sure was released in 2021 and her fes­ti­val appear­ances and stun­ning live shows have gar­nered much praise. 

One band who realised her tal­ents fair­ly ear­ly on were Djan­go Djan­go, and here they are, bring­ing on one Rebec­ca Lucy Tay­lor aka Self Esteem, to sing with them at Rough Trade in 2018. And if you haven’t heard it, check out Com­plete Me, the lat­est sin­gle feat Self Esteem. It’s a banger.

Here’s a few more women artists I’ve admired and loved over the years… so let’s wish them all, and us, a Hap­py Inter­na­tion­al Wom­en’s Day. 

So, Hap­py Inter­na­tion­al Wom­en’s Day to Self Esteem and every female artist out there. 

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