Liv­er­pool-based avant-garde artist Sara Wolff caught our atten­tion in 2021 on the release of her debut sin­gle Bad Thoughts Com­pi­la­tion, reviewed here. Sara has been busy since then, pro­duc­ing oth­er artists, ses­sion musi­cian, embark­ing upon a solo tour of uncon­ven­tion­al spaces whilst armed with her trusty 4‑track cas­sette machine and the mor­ph­ing visu­als of mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary artist Heka. There’s a cute descrip­tion on her PR blurb of her as a ‘knit pop’ artist but there’s a lot more going on. She also heads up a month­ly Cloud­ber­ries radio show. “I was inspired to get back to the stu­dio so quick­ly; I’ve learned so much,” she says. 

Don’t Feed The Birds is the first sin­gle from the upcom­ing EP in May called Mag­ic Hour. It is an inti­mate and con­tem­pla­tive song which delin­eates the tran­si­tion we make from child to woman – and all that it entails. The instru­men­ta­tion and vocals feel weight­ed and slight­ly fuzzy, as though the sound is reach­ing us from the past, a mem­o­ry plucked and brought back into sharp relief, to be seen through dif­fer­ent, more expe­ri­enced eyes. Don’t Feed The Birds describes a pic­nic which sounds like hazy, sum­mer fun, yet there’s a lin­ger­ing sense that the time was fleet­ing, on the cusp of change. “Berries and apples, down by the shrubs, pic­nics and blan­kets, red wine in cups. Cakes in box­es, frost­ing on top, ther­mos with cof­fee and sweets from the shop.”

Says Sara about the song: “I’ve been think­ing about mag­ic through a child’s eyes and how we all chase down that feel­ing as grown-ups… it’s easy to be dis­tract­ed from play­ing and being inspired. With this song I want­ed to cre­ate a sto­ry from a parent’s per­spec­tive. It describes the con­flict between grow­ing up and play­ing like a child and the expec­ta­tions we often have for chil­dren, espe­cial­ly young girls, to behave like adults so quickly.”

Spo­ti­fy | Band­camp | Twit­ter | Insta­gram
Don’t Feed The Birds is out now; new EP Mag­ic Hour release date 26th May on Small Mat­ter Records

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