Jo Schornikow releas­es Lose Yr Love, a shim­mer­ing beau­ty of a track, and the sec­ond share from her upcom­ing album. In com­mon with her recent release, Visions, reviewed here, this song has a feel of War on Drugs. 

Lose Yr Love is Schornikow’s explo­ration of “fear and beau­ty in loss” which “grew from a real-life night­mare of los­ing some­one,” she explains. “The song explores the fear before the fall­out, before final­i­ty. It’s a quick and awful spi­ral, but also a nat­ur­al coun­ter­side of love. I think we found the beau­ty that exists in this incred­i­bly bleak space.”

It’s Jo Schornikow’s expres­sive vocals that hold the lis­ten­er in thrall. She has an uncan­ny abil­i­ty to express a huge amount of emo­tion while keep­ing her per­for­mance under­stat­ed and restrained – there’s no diva-esque pos­tur­ing in her deliv­ery. Instead she radi­ates intel­li­gence and a know­ing and accept­ing atti­tude, even at times a world-weari­ness, toward human­i­ty and the sway our emo­tions hold over us. The lay­ered vocal arrange­ment uses ocean imagery as she reflects on her experiences. 

The video, direct­ed by Ives Sal­bert, was shot in an East Nashville junk­yard and in part­ner Matthew Houck of Phosphorescent’s stu­dio, and fea­tures a brief cameo from Schornikow’s two children. 

Apart from cre­at­ing her solo work, the Aus­tralian singer-song­writer and pianist for Matthew Houck, aka Phos­pho­res­cent, Jo Schornikow will be releas­ing her album of alt Amer­i­can indie which ‘explores the com­plex­i­ties and lone­li­ness of moth­er­hood’, to be released on May 20, via Keeled Scales.

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