There’s a new album called Har­mon­ics on its way by Hot Chip front­man Joe God­dard. It’s still a while till the release date of July 12th but there’s a tasty morsel just dropped in the form of a track and video to pique our inter­est – pre­vi­ous­ly shared is the track New World with Fio­r­i­ous. The col­lab­o­ra­tions sound rather appeal­ing and curi­ous too, includ­ing Hot Chip’s Alex­is Tay­lor and Al Doyle, well that may hard­ly be sur­pris­ing, but there’s also Jungle’s Tom McFar­land, Ibibio Sound Machine’s Eno Williams and… Alabaster DePlume, the unusu­al and idio­syn­crat­ic jazz musi­cian. That should be interesting.

Har­mon­ics will be Joe’s third solo work and it is root­ed in instinct and empa­thy with 14 tracks of left-of-cen­tre dance music – touch­ing on UK garage, house, hip-hop, pop and disco.

Talk­ing about the new sin­gle called Moments Die, Joe says: “It fea­tures a beau­ti­ful vocal con­tri­bu­tion from my friend Bar­rie, which for me is a high­light of my forth­com­ing album. My words were inspired by John Berger’s book And Our Faces, My Heart, Brief as Pho­tos.”

Moments Die is a col­lab­o­ra­tion of Joe’s with Brook­lyn singer Bar­rie. He fell in love with her voice while work­ing on a remix which fea­tured her vocals and lo, here’s the result. The track, after a few open­ing notes that I felt were a tad over manip­u­lat­ed, sec­onds lat­er devel­ops into a beau­ti­ful­ly lay­ered and uplift­ing num­ber, fea­tur­ing lush instru­men­ta­tion with Bar­rie’s clear and vocals allowed to take cen­tre stage. That abil­i­ty of Joe’s to infuse a warmth and human­i­ty that is restora­tive and and com­fort giv­ing, is all over this track.

The video – direct­ed by Nathan Castiel – was shot in New York and Hast­ings and is a con­tem­pla­tive ode to the song’s lyrics.

Joe has allowed himself to take something of a back seat in this new work, showing a respect to his fellow collaborators and letting them shine. “With all the different people on this record, I’ve been working on how to respect the contribution they make and not trying to be the one who has to lead everything,” Joe says. “That follows through into the songs where I’m singing. I tried to write words without having too much of an idea of what I’m trying to express, where I’m just writing a stream of consciousness.”

Upcoming Joe Goddard dates
20th April - Headrow House, Leeds (DJ)
26th April - Marina Fountain, Hastings (DJ)
11th May – Pérola Negra, Porto (DJ)
24th-25th May – Tomavistas Festival, Madrid
26th July - Low Festival, Benidorm (DJ)
17th August – Stowaway Festival, Buckingham
20th Sept - This is Tmrw @ Hare & Hounds, Birmingham (DJ)
21st Sept - Dreamland, Margate (DJ)

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