The lit­tle Lin­colnshire fes­ti­val Lost Vil­lage has released its first line­up: Bom­bay Bicy­cle Club, Bonobo (DJ set), Four Tet, Djan­go Djan­go, Float­ing Points (live), Kojey Rad­i­cal, Dixon, Hon­ey Dijon, Ross from Friends, Craig Charles, Nor­man Jay and lots more.

Lost Vil­lage cre­ates a son­ic tapes­try with red-hot emerg­ing names and estab­lished lumi­nar­ies in equal mea­sure. A dynam­ic and gen­der bal­anced assem­bly of artists com­bine to cre­ate the per­fect score for a lost weekend.

The fes­ti­val is a unique for­est expe­ri­ence, and dif­fers wide­ly from year to year. “Encom­pass­ing care­ful­ly curat­ed music, excep­tion­al food, com­e­dy, talks and cre­ative work­shops; the result is a beau­ti­ful yet abstract escape from reality”

With­in the Lost The­atre, you’ll encounter an amaz­ing line­up of com­e­dy (pre­vi­ous­ly play­ing host to the likes of Kather­ine Ryan, Rus­sell Kane, Joe Lycett and more), while over at the Insti­tute Of Curi­ous Minds you’ll dis­cov­er a series of in-depth talks, tra­vers­ing music, arts, psy­chol­o­gy, sociopol­i­tics and beyond. Else­where you’ll find free cre­ative work­shops, cock­tail mas­ter­class­es and a vin­tage cloth­ing market.

Expect a culi­nary feast at the Trib­al Ban­quet – Hawksmoor and Dishoom have brought din­ing expe­ri­ences  to Lost Vil­lage in the past, so this year the bar will be set equal­ly high.

Lost Vil­lage Phase 3 tick­ets are on sale 31st Jan­u­ary. But don’t think about it for too long as tick­ets sell out fast.

Lost Vil­lage, 27–30 August

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