Isle of Wight band As We Leave has a new sin­gle out called Rarely Been So Long. On its sur­face there’s a sun-dap­pled, lazy sum­mery aura going on as it opens on a gen­tle scene-set­ter: a gui­tar chord gen­tly thrum­ming. This hazy con­fec­tion has a nos­tal­gic feel, the vocals reveal­ing a wist­ful qual­i­ty, uncer­tain­ty in its midst. There’s a deep­er mean­ing to these lyrics. 

“‘Rarely Been So Long’ is a play­ful tongue in cheek nod to cyn­i­cism and com­ic dis­il­lu­sion­ment,” says the band. “‘We want­ed the song to con­jure up ele­ments of Bulgakov’s absur­di­ties but instead of the para­noia of Stalin’s 30’s era Moscow, we have the less dan­ger­ous panora­ma of a back­wards Vic­to­ri­an island, stuck in limbo….’”

The band have a new EP – their sec­ond – called Stop Mak­ing Plans, due to be released 26th June.

Once again the band have adopt­ed the “very rus­tic and non­cha­lant ‘do it your­self’ pos­ture of the first EP, sug­gest­ing they are com­fort­able in home sur­round­ings and a much more relaxed approach to their cre­ativ­i­ty”. Yet again, they write, pro­duce and record all the mate­r­i­al themselves.

We’ve fea­tured an inter­view with As We Leave.

Rarely Been So Long by As We Leave, out 27th May; EP ‘Stop Mak­ing Plans’ out 26th June 2022. 


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