There has been an emer­gence of a North­ern Pow­er­house of fes­ti­vals over the past few years, with Kendal Call­ing, a host of York­shire events – and one which has qui­et­ly made its way onto the cir­cuit – Rams­bot­tom Festival.

Being a Lan­cashire lass, I’m glad to see an event which gives a plat­form to so many estab­lished and up and com­ing artists from the region.

When Doves decid­ed to go their sep­a­rate ways, it was inter­est­ing to see in what direc­tion the for­mer band mem­bers would take. Jez and Andy Williams formed Black Rivers (pic­tured above) and they will be per­form­ing at Ram­my. (Jimi Good­wyn made a Heb­den Bridge Trades appearance).

Also on the line-up are The Pro­claimers, The Won­der Stuff, Idlewild, and (very much not local) The Mag­ic Num­bers. Tom Robin­son and band are appear­ing, along with Radio 6 music’s Mark Rad­cliffe and Galleon Blast.

Mark Radcliffe and Galleon Blast
Mark Rad­cliffe and Galleon Blast

John Bramwell, singer song­writer with I Am Kloot, will also make an appear­ance, along with the emo­tive Man­ches­ter- based Slow Read­ers Club.

There are a total of five stages, plus craft ales includ­ing Sil­ver Street Brew­ery. Also back by pop­u­lar demand, a silent disco.

Rams­bot­tom Fes­ti­val, Rams­bot­tom Crick­et Club. 

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